UCCEDD’s Response to Current Events

In view of the most current events and the blatant as well as underlying and systemic racism that people of color experience in our country, the UCCEDD stands in support of all of our stakeholders, family members, self-advocates, children, youth and adults with disabilities, colleagues and friends to address racism, injustice and inequities. Our vision statement clearly states that we envision a future in which “all people, including children and adults living with disabilities, … , fully participate in society and live healthy, safe, self-determined and productive lives.” While our focus is on people with developmental disabilities, we acknowledge that our vision for a just future cannot be achieved in a racist world.

Our UCCEDD is committed to working as a team to recognize and dismantle systems that support racism while actively supporting each other and the people we serve to acknowledge, honor, and appreciate differences. We are with you.


Posted in News.