Training and Caregiver Outreach Events Sponsored by DDBP, UCCEDD and LEND

The Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (DDBP), UCCEDD and LEND provide a variety of trainings related to developmental disabilities, detailed below.

  1. Interdisciplinary Training: Through the LEND program, UCCEDD provides interdisciplinary and disciplinary clinical training to graduate students and post-doctoral students through practicum and specialized experiences in the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
  2. Undergraduate Developmental Disabilities Certificate through the University of Cincinnati School of Social Work: Provides students with knowledge and skills to work with persons with developmental disabilities in a variety of social, healthcare and educational settings.
  3. DDBP-Sponsored and other Community-Based Trainings: These trainings provide information to family members, self-advocates and professionals on topics of interest related to developmental disabilities. Trainings are listed below.

Community-Based Trainings and Events Calendar