Types of Providers – in Ohio

General rules in Ohio state that a provider must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Have a current:
    Background check
    CPR and First Aid training
    Complete annual Major Unusual Incidents (MUI) and Rights training

Independent Provider

Families may choose to use an independent provider. These providers are not employed by an agency. Independent providers are self-employed. All providers must be certified through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities to provide Medicaid funded services. Information for Independent Providers is available through their website. Independent providers must also keep their certifications, manage their own hours, and submit billing information on their own.

Agency Provider

Families may also choose an agency to provide respite care. Agencies employ, manage, and train providers. Information for Agency Providers is available through their website.

Other Providers

Camps, Residential Programs, Respite Centers, and other Community Providers can be providers of Medicaid funded services.

Learn more about respite using the navigation below:

Respite Home | Types of Respite | How to Pay for Respite | Types of Providers – in Ohio | More Respite Resources | Finding a Respite Provider

Questions?  Please contact Celia Schloemer, UC UCEDD Family Support Coordinator, at Celia.Schloemer@cchmc.org or 513-636-4723.