UC UCEDD partnered with ReelAbilities

Reel Abilities
UC UCEDD was proud to serve as a promotional partner for the Cincinnati ReelAbilities event. ReelAbilities is the largest national film festival focused on sharing the stories, lives, and art of people with disabilities.  The Cincinnati ReelAbilities Festival (March 9th-16th 2013) featured over 17 local screenings.  Proceeds benefited local nonprofit organizations committed to serving people with disabilities.

UC UCEDD’s Kara Ayers Plays a Big Part in Cincinnati’s 25th ADA Anniversary Celebration

UC UCEDD's Kara Ayers, Ilka Riddle, Erica Coleman and Brady Sellet

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990. This groundbreaking legislation made a world of difference in the lives of Americans with disabilities, and cities all over the United States, including Cincinnati, celebrated the 25th anniversary of this historic event.

It was a special honor for UC UCEDD’s Advocacy Coordinator, Dr. Kara Ayers, to play a big part in the publicity leading up to Cincinnati’s celebration.

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UC UCEDD’s Transition Booster Session Explains Estate Planning and Special Needs Trusts for Young People with Developmental Disabilities

Parents, siblings, caregivers and professionals recently gathered at UC UCEDD’s Transition Booster Session to learn about Estate Planning and Special Needs Trusts. The June 18 session was led by Janet Pecquet, Attorney at Law, Beckman Weil Shepardson LLC, and featured a panel of family members to help answer questions.

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