LEND poster session winner

IMG_9985 (2)Congratulations to the University of Cincinnati LEND project, Families of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Perceived Supports and Barriers to Visiting the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, for winning first place in Ohio MCH Training Programs Poster Session (Team members Valerie Miller, OTR/L; Jessie Richard, MEd; Meghan Wolken; Teresa Farmer, PsyD; Jennifer Smith PsyD., BCBA-D)

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Sharing Hope Booklet

Lily signing bookletSharing Hope, The stories of our patients and families is a booklet of personal stories shared by 27 generous families who have family members with developmental disabilities and receive care through the Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center, Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (CCHMC-DDBP).

Pictured here: Lily signing the booklet

Ohio Family 2 Family Provides Education to the Bhutanese/Nepali Population in Ohio (UC UCEDD)

It is estimated that the Bhutanese population in Ohio is close to 15,000. Approximately 99% of these individuals are on Medicaid.

IMG_20161001_103717The Asian Community Alliance in Ohio provides culturally sensitive programs and services to empower and strengthen family & community through awareness, collaboration & advocacy and has been working with this population for years. The Alliance recently identified a need in the Bhutanese population related to education on The Affordable Care Act and Medicaid and approached Ohio Family 2 Family to provide this information.

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