New at UC: Course in Foundations in Developmental Disabilities

“Foundations in Developmental Disabilities” is a new course to be offered in fall 2017 at the University of Cincinnati, School of Social Work. For the last two years, the School of Social Work and UCCEDD/LEND have worked together to get this off the ground. It’s a cross-listed, 3-credit hour course open to both undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines.  

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Northeast Ohio Success with Transition Booster Sessions

Southwest Ohio’s Transition Booster sessions have been such a success and gained in popularity that the folks in Northeast Ohio thought they’d try it. Their first session was in March where they had almost 100 people in attendance and that has continued for the last couple of sessions.

According to Amy Clawson, who is coordinating these sessions, “The response has been amazing. The audience seems hungry for the information, knowledge and resources. Our planning team is very passionate and has been the yolk in this project. We are pleased to offer the transition boosters in the Northeast Ohio area!”

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