Molly Sawyer Bio

Why did you join CCHMC/DDBP? I completed the LEND program as a Family Trainee in 2015. After retiring from a career in education, I was excited to continue my learning and teaching as a LEND Faculty member.

What do you like most about your job? I appreciate the opportunity to mentor other family members, as they explore their leadership and advocacy opportunities. I also love sharing stories of my six children, four of whom have identified Neurodevelopmental Disabilities.

How has your life changed since becoming involved with CCHMC/DDBP? The connections I have made with other families, co-workers, and organizations have empowered me to advocate for my children and encourage others to advocate for their children/patients.

What’s your greatest achievement? Taking a chance on the LEND training program- It was a life changing/career changing experience!

What do you like to do in your spare time? In addition to spending time with my family, I am pursuing my PhD in Leadership, Culture and Curriculum.