Laura Srivorakiat Bio

Why did you join CCHMC/DDBP? I believe in interdisciplinary care models and family-centered care, which are core values of DDBP. CCHMC/DDBP connects me with great resources so I  can better help my patients and families. DDBP also allows me to share what I have learned during my training (and from patients and families) with our community through my UC UCEDD work.

What do you like most about your job? The best part of my work is direct contact with patients and families. It is such a privilege to be present at the moment a family experiences success in the course of treatment. Each time I work with a new patient and family, I learn something new. My job is certainly never boring! It is also wonderful to be able to share all of the things I learn with others in our community.

How has your life changed since becoming involved with CCHMC/DDBP? Since becoming a staff member at CCHMC/DDBP, I have increased opportunities to use my training and to mentor others who would like to work with our disability community. I feel very lucky to be a part of an organization that affords so many opportunities.

What’s your greatest achievement? I started a small treatment program here at CCHMC/DDBP. I am very proud of the care I provide with my clinical team.

What do you like to do in your spare time? I love to cook for my family and friends. I can also often be found listening to a good audiobook while biking or going for a long jog.