How to Pay for Respite

Respite Can Be Free

Not all forms of respite cost money. Some families offer a variety of free respite services. Here are some free or affordable respite options:

  • Create a co-op where families trade time. There may be local families who have children with similar needs. Some families in co-ops provide respite for a few hours each month in exchange for their own respite.
  • Respite centers, such as a church, mosque or synagogue, may have free respite events in the community.
  • Some support groups offer free respite during meetings.
  • The child’s therapy time can be used as a respite break.
  • Some camps and residential care programs have scholarships.
  • Friends or neighbors may be happy to help out once in a while so you can take a break.

Out of Pocket Pay

Some families may choose to pay providers and agencies with their personal money. Some agencies have sliding scale fees, financial assistance, or payment plans. If families find their own respite providers (and pay out of pocket), the hourly rate can be discussed and agreed upon before the provider starts working.

Family Support Services Program

Most local county boards of developmental disabilities have a small amount of money set aside for families. This can be used for respite and other needs. If the child/loved one is eligible for services, families can apply and pay their respite providers through this program.

“I found our respite provider through a friend.  She has special behavior training, which helps my son learn.”

Medicaid Funded Waivers

Generally, Medicaid Waivers offer some type of respite. Check with your county board of developmental disabilities for eligibility.

Ohio’s Medicaid funded services change from year to year. Families should stay connected with people and groups who have up to date information.

Learn more about respite using the navigation below:

Respite Home | Types of Respite | How to Pay for Respite | Types of Providers – in Ohio | More Respite Resources | Finding a Respite Provider

Questions?  Please contact Celia Schloemer, UC UCEDD Family Support Coordinator, at or 513-636-4723