DD Awareness Day, Morgan

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Day

Each year in March, National Disability Awareness month is celebrated. This year’s theme is “Side by Side”. This theme was continued at the Developmental Disabilities Awareness Day, where they also added, “Hand in Hand” and “Heart to Heart”. People with and without disabilities working, going to school, playing and participating in their communities together.

On March 8, hundreds of advocates people gathered at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus to advocate policy issues that impact the lives of people with developmental disabilities. Attendees met with policymakers to educate them about how state government services and policies can be improved, expanded or strengthened.

Our LEND trainees traveled to Columbus to attend this event and put the knowledge they’ve been learning into action. Here’s what they had to say about the event.

Morgan: I truly appreciated the mix of people in the audience and listening to them advocate alongside us in the meetings. Parents did a great job passionately speaking for their children and professionals were able to provide their perspective to back up the parent’s great stories. After comparing the meetings that I was involved with I realized that the smaller setting seemed to make for a more connected conversation. Our group thrived best by taking turns to highlight various things to keep the meeting moving in a productive pattern. Overall, I wonder if our meetings really are going to have an impact on the legislator’s priorities, but did walk away feeling like I’d begun to do my part in advocating for these topics.