Transition Bootcamp 2015 Helps Families of Young People with Disabilities Make a Plan for Life

The barriers faced by young people with disabilities as they transition to adult life are often created by beliefs and low expectations rather than disability itself.

This was just one of the points made by Sue Beck, Transition Bootcamp 2015 keynote speaker. It is also the reason that more than 400 people attended UC UCEDD’s (University of Cincinnati University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities) November 6th event at Sharonville Convention Center.

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Transition Bootcamp Supports Families, Professionals, and Youth to Navigate the Future

More than 200 individuals attended Transition Bootcamp on September 19, 2014 at the Sharonville Convention Center. Participants learned from regional experts on the challenging process of transitioning into the adult world as a young person with a disability. Topics included employment, housing, guardianship, financial planning, education options, and more.   A survey of parents of transition-aged students with disabilities (age 12-26 years) showed that more than 90% of respondents reported a need for information about adult services, like housing, post-secondary education, and health care transition. This information is critical for a smooth transition as well as an avenue for improving general disability outcomes, like continued low employment rates despite significant state and national efforts.

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UC UCEDD Collaborates with Community Partners in Home Think Tank

Home Think Tank Logo
Home Think Tank is a collaboration of Cincinnati area partners, established in 2007 and dedicated to creating accessible and affordable options for community living for people with disabilities. During 2012, Home Think Tank held a series of four community workshops for people with disabilities, family members, and advocates to explore options for living in the community:


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