Ohio F2F Planning, We need your input

The Ohio Family to Family Heath Information Center (Ohio F2F: www.ohiof2f.org) needs your help!

If you are a professional who serves or if you are a family member of someone between 0-26 years of age who has a special healthcare need, a (complex) medical condition or (developmental) disability, then we would like to hear from you!  

As the Ohio F2F team is planning for the next four years of our work in Ohio to support families in navigating the healthcare and health insurance systems to achieve optimal care for children with healthcare needs, we would like to get your input on what you think is missing in supporting families of children and youth with special healthcare needs, complex medical conditions and developmental disabilities to receive optimal care and live healthy, safe, happy and productive lives in the community.

The survey should not take more than 10-15 minutes. You will answer all questions anonymously, which means that no one will know that you completed the survey and that no one will know what your specific answers were. All questions should be answered in relationship to the child/youth with special health care needs/ complex medical needs/developmental disabilities.

Take the survey here

The survey will close on Friday, December 29, 2017.

Thank you so much! We greatly appreciate your input!