Sibling Survey

The Virginia UCEDD would like to hear from siblings of those with disabilities. The Partnership for People with Disabilities, home to the Virginia is for Siblings chapter of the national Sibling Leadership Network, is interested in knowing how to better support siblings with brothers and/or sisters who have disabilities. The information will be used to help plan for future projects and resources to support siblings. The following survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Responses are anonymous; we will not know your identity. Please complete the survey by Wednesday, September 20th, 2017,

Cincinnati-area Managed Care Forums

Ohio Medicaid and its Managed Care Plans provide forums for families and professionals around the state to learn more about Managed Care and there will be opportunities to ask questions of Managed Care Reps.

September 12, 2017, 4:30 pm Professionals forum, 6:30 pm Public/Families forum
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center – Liberty Campus, 7777 Yankee Road, Liberty Township, OH 45044
Each session will cover:
The Basics:       What is Managed Care and how can it help coordinate healthcare?
The Benefits:   Expanded health care access, coordination, and health and wellness programs
How-to Steps: How and where to sign up, including what to expect once you are enrolled
Questions:        Call toll free: 1-844-644-6323 or 513-803-3846

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More information for professionals