An outline of the City of Cincinnati is on a blue background with the words Cincinnati Mayoral and City Council Candidate Survey on Disability Issues. A logo is below the image and text that includes Cincinnati Children's Hospital, University of Cincinnati, and the University of Cincinnati Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities

Cincinnati Mayoral and City Council Survey on Disability Issues

The University of Cincinnati Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCCEDD) recently surveyed both Cincinnati Mayoral Candidates and 24 Cincinnati City Council Candidates on issues of importance for Cincinnatians with disabilities. One mayoral candidate (Mayor Cranley) and 16 City Council Candidates responded to the survey on Disability Issues, resulting in an overall response rate of 68%.

The Candidates’ Questionnaire on Disability Issues included 7 questions that addressed topics ranging from the accessibility of the City’s recreation centers to housing and employment. Topics were determined through dialogue with Cincinnati residents with disabilities, their family members, and professionals who work in the field of disability policy. While Census[1] rates vary slightly, between 12% and 17% of the City’s population is estimated to have a disability. Nationally, approximately 1 in 5 people have a disability.

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The Future is Now November – future planning sessions for families with an older caregiver

The Future is Now November is a two-part series designed to help older caregivers and their family members make plans for the future. Throughout the series, families get help to create a letter of intent. A letter of intent is a non-legal document that captures family desires and goals for the future. Creating a letter of intent can help families gain peace of mind that comes with having a plan.

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To register, contact Dawn at 513-559-6814 or

Film program to facilitate conversations about disability and inclusion

This is a ‘do it yourself’ version of the “Ethan the Brave” classroom project for kids in grades K-6. It is a film program for parents/teachers/schools/volunteers to facilitate conversations about disability and inclusion in the classroom and school community. The film is short (7 minutes) and the whole presentation can be completed in 15-30 minutes.

To start the program, click here, plug in your email address and enter the password Ethan8. Within the document there is a lesson plan and a link to the “Ethan the Brave” film presentation. The film and the discussion questions are embedded within the presentation.