Act Early Ohio Social Media Influencers: Spreading Awareness About Developmental Monitoring in a Virtual World

Act Early Ohio has leveraged social media platforms of Ohio caregivers to share material and information about the CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” campaign. Caregivers experienced in developmental monitoring were interviewed and selected to become our Act Early Ohio Social Media Influencers. Through the various recruitment methods, they have connected with caregivers to increase the reach across all 5 regions in Ohio. The influencers create posts using the Act Early materials and share Act Early Ohio posts.

The aim is to have the influencers share on their personal platforms so their already established network of friends and family may be more comfortable and willing to use the tools. During the holiday season, influencer’s coordinated with staff at The Cincinnati Zoo, and Santa’s reading of “Amazing Me: It’s Busy Being 3!” was published on the Act Early Ohio Facebook page where it had over 42,000 views! By having the influencers share and post to reach those within their own communities, we can encourage caregiver engagement in developmental monitoring!

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