Act Early Ohio Initiative

The UCCEDD was awarded a one-year grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to build upon existing Ohio Act Early Ambassador activities, and to support families in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of the initiative is to increase awareness about the importance of developmental screening in early childhood and tracking of developmental milestones with the support of the evidence-based Learn the Signs Act Early materials developed by the CDC.

Funding will be provided from September 2020 to August 2021. As part of the grant, Act Early Ohio:

  • Established a State Team consisting of stage agency representatives, community organizations working with children at risk or with developmental delays, healthcare providers and family members to develop and implement a strategic plan for raising awareness about developmental screening and monitoring.
  • Launched five Social Media Influencers across the state to communicate and engage with parents of young children to get the word out about the Act Early Materials and the importance of tracking developmental milestones. For our latest social media post, go here to hear Santa read the book “Amazing Me! It’s Busy Being 3!”
  • Works with a Learn the Signs. Act Early-educated Hispanic Community Health Worker for outreach and education on Act Early to various Latinx communities across Ohio.
  • Works with pediatric practices on getting Act Early materials into the hands of parents during well-child visits.
  • Works on implementation of an Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) model on early screening and developmental milestones for peer-to-peer learning and collaborative problem-solving while working through cases in an interactive, virtual format.

To learn more about our project, follow us on Facebook or contact us at

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