
UCCEDD research and program evaluation activities create new knowledge in the areas of health and quality of life and translate it into improvements in life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and families.

Disability Research Lab

UCCEDD is expanding its connection to research with a newly launched Disability Research Lab. The lab, led by Dr. Kara Ayers, began meeting in the fall of 2020 as an initiative to support the development of researchers, students and trainees interested in the study of disability. Most of the researchers in the lab also have disabilities or identify as family members of people with disabilities. This lab aims to support the development of this underrepresented group. Lab members meet bi-weekly. Each member shares updates on their individual projects, often connected to their home universities or programs, and the group is collaborating on a knowledge translation effort to make a recently published academic article more accessible with plain language. If you or someone you know would like to hear more about the lab, email Dr. Ayers at

Ohio Employment First Stakeholder Feedback Report