Resources and Information Sharing

UCCEDD develops and shares information and products to promote health and quality of life for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The UCCEDD also shares information developed by network partners.

Resources Announcements

Health Profiles
Fillable Health Profile
Down Syndrome example
Spina Bifida example
Cerebral Palsy example
Autism example
Fragile X example

Interactive Maps of Service Providers in the Cincinnati, OH Region
Services for Children and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities

These resources were created by the DDBP Social Work Team. For more information, please contact or call 513-803-7949.

Emergency Responders Videos

Emergency Responders and How they Interact with People with Disabilities: Emergency Responders provide answers to PWD and Caregivers’ Questions

Emergency Responders and How they Interact with People with Disabilities: PWD and Caregivers provide answers to Emergency Responders’ Questions

Resources for Individuals with Paralysis
A Resource for First Responders and Emergency Management
A Resource for Medical Care Providers Serving Individuals with Paralysis
Know Your Rights When Preparing for an Emergency – for Individuals with Paralysis

A Guide to Interacting with Police for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

Emergency Preparedness Resources
Creating an Emergency Preparedness Plan with Your Caregiver
Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities: Impact Areas of Disasters
Creating Your Emergency Kit

Ohio Family 2 Family Session: Advocating for your Child in Healthcare Settings, Facebook live recording

Southwest Ohio Transition Checklists

Ages 12-16

Ages 17-21

“Understanding Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome: A Guide for Families and Professionals”

Access the informational booklet here

2 New Fact Sheets from Disabled Parenting Project: Leveraging Social Policy to Make Change

“So You are Going to Have a Baby: A Guide for Women with Developmental Disabilities”

“Providing Prenatal Care for Women with Developmental Disabilities”

These fact sheets were created as part of our Cincinnati LEND Seminars in Evidence-Based Medicine project. A team of LEND trainees and faculty members conducted research on best practices while also consulting with stakeholders, including women with disabilities who have experienced pregnancy and prenatal care as well as medical providers.

Transition Booster Session Recording: SSI/SSDI

Access the video here

Transition Booster Session Recording: Educational, Training & Vocational Options after High School

Access the video here

Guardianship and alternatives in Ohio Booklet

The Ohio DD Council has updated “Guardianship in Ohio,” a booklet that offers a comprehensive overview of guardianship and alternatives in Ohio. The information is written for families who have a child with a developmental disability but may be relevant for others who need to navigate the often confusing and intimidating world of probate court and guardianship.

Download the booklet directly here. If you prefer hard copies, call the DD Council office at 614-466-5205 to place an order.

Transition Booster Session 2017: Financial Planning

Access the session recording here.

Sharing Hope Booklet and Event

“Sharing Hope, The stories of our patients and families” is a booklet of personal stories shared by 27 generous families who have family members with developmental disabilities and receive care through the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (CCHMC-DDBP).

Read more about the event and access the book here.

An Early Childcare Provider’s Guide to Managing Challenging Behaviors

May 3, 2017

This Your Dollars @ Work post was written by Stephanie Weber, Psy.D., Training Director of the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) Program in the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, an Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN) site…

In our community, very few childcare centers are structured to assure essential supports are available for children with autism. Every day, a child with developmental concerns is dismissed from daycare for disruptive behaviors. Every day, a parent must quit his or her job to stay home and care for the child who is “kicked out.” The growing number of children with autism who are excluded from these environments makes it extremely important to train daycare providers on autism and associated behaviors so these children can be kept safe and their parents can continue to work. Our project, Building Community Capacity in Daycare Settings for Young Children with Autism, was developed to help do that.

Through the incredibly helpful support from an Autism Speaks grant, we were able to train over 40 childcare providers and center directors and develop a curriculum to train them in understanding the unique differences of children with autism and using evidence-based strategies with children, especially those with autism. The training team included trainees in the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, and 9 LEND trainees learned the material and put their leadership skills into practice by facilitating the community trainings.