UC School of Social Work Courses in Developmental Disabilities Fall 2018

These classes provide a grounding in the issues faced by people with DD and their family members.

SW3060/7060: Foundations in Developmental Disabilities (FALL 2018)
This foundational course explores the lived experiences of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Students will become knowledgeable about practice areas for specialized expertise in developmental disabilities. Focus will be on community integration. Students will examine and analyze relevant ethical, legal and policy issues within a historical context of past and current societal attitudes and values. Students will become knowledgeable of various theoretical models used in the disability field. Students will gain an introductory knowledge in the areas of medical aspects of disability (etiology and intervention strategies), and best practice regarding support services and intervention strategies. This course will offer students opportunities to learn from professional and lay caregivers, individuals with developmental disabilities, and leaders and advocates in the field.

SW3062/7062: Best Practice Approaches in Developmental Disabilities (FALL 2018 – PREREQUISITES REQUIRED)
This course focuses on best practice approaches to working with individuals with developmental disabilities and their families/caregivers in a variety of settings, including community-based settings, clinical settings, mental health services, and behavioral health services. Using a life span approach, students will develop culturally appropriate best practice skills for working with individuals with developmental disabilities and their families/caregivers with an emphasis on community inclusion and integration. Self-reflection for effective practice and professional development will be highlighted.



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