New immediate threats to Medicaid

New Threat to Medicaid with Graham-Cassidy Bill

What is Happening?

Senators Cassidy (R-LA) and Graham introduced a new bill last week to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.  This bill would make huge cuts to the Medicaid program, end the Medicaid expansion and marketplace subsidies in the Affordable Care Act. It would also allow states to waive protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

This bill would be devastating to people with disabilities and their families and threaten access to community living, employment opportunities, and educational supports.

This is time sensitive. Last month the Senate parliamentarian stated that the deadline for the current budget reconciliation process is September 30. This means that if voted on before September 30, this bill could pass with a simple majority – with fewer votes. Senator Cassidy claims to have 48-49 senators on-board.  Senator McConnell has asked the CBO to produce a score quickly.  We must act in the next 48 hours.

For more details about this bill, see the Center on Budget analyses.

Take Action:

Call your Members of Congress TODAY and tell them to:

  • Oppose the Graham-Cassidy bill
  • Oppose any cuts to Medicaid that threaten the lives of people with disabilities

Thank you for your work to protect Medicaid!

Call toll-free to speak with your Member of Congress: 866-426-2631

  • My name is ___________ and I live in [City, State].
  • I am [a person with I/DD; a family member of someone with I/DD; a professional in the disability field; etc.).
  • Any cuts to Medicaid threaten the lives and independence of people with disabilities. [Feel free to add any details about how cuts to Medicaid would impact your life/your loved ones].
  • Please oppose the Graham-Cassidy Bill
  • Please oppose ANY cuts to Medicaid.
  • Please work in a bipartisan fashion to increase access to affordable, accessible health care and long term services and supports

Visit AUCD’s Action Center to contact your Senators via email.

Posted in News.