Kara Ayers bio LEND

I am the Associate Director of the University of Cincinnati Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCCEDD). I’m also a professor. I earned my PhD in clinical psychology from Nova Southeastern University. I no longer see patients but apply my professional knowledge, research experience, and personal perspective to make systemic changes to improve the lives of people with disabilities. During the LEND year, I support self-advocate trainees and contribute to the LEND curriculum in the areas of disability culture, psychosocial development with disability, and disability policy.

I’m committed to our UCCEDD/LEND belief that the voices of people with disabilities and their family members should be at the table-every table-in our schools, workplaces, and communities. I’m exceptionally proud to be  a part of LEND because I’ve had the privilege to witness the transformation of trainees who also begin to learn the true value of inclusion. I’m so fortunate to work alongside dedicated colleagues and year after year of cohorts with trainees eager to learn. As a dedicated nerd, it’s also a rare pleasure to be surrounded by others who don’t mind talking at length about your favorite-albeit not universally popular-topics.

I like to read and journal in my free time. I love joining my three children’s ever-changing interests. I’m a consumer of art with a desire to make more of my own. For now, my husband describes my artistic endeavors fairly accurately as collecting arts and craft supplies.